Selasa, 17 Mei 2011


PAMEKASAN-Stealing happen again in Pamekasan, exactly in Debug Bugih Pamekasan. This incident was shocking enough the surrounding citizen.
Debug as we know, it was a place that serve internet connection. On Tuesday, 10 April exactly at night Debug lost 2 memory internal, 2 GB capacity. Debug’s keeper realised it in the morning, the day after it happen, because the alarm of computer was ringing. They thought that the pickpocket had worked together as many as five people, as customers. And they were thinking the pickpocket were professional in doing that.
Mr. Faqieh, Debug’s keeper said that not only once Debug lost something. Debug often lost card reader, headset, and also webcam. He guess the financial loss was about 2 million rupiahs. Debug’s crew hope this incident never happen again. So their anticipation for this is by moving the server table to the south area to more monitoring the customers. And they won’t move to another place because Debug located in a strategy area.
Mr. Faqieh said,“ Debug most customers are from SMAN 3 Pamekasan, so although we often lost something, Debug still stay here. We need customers and SMAN 3 Pamekasan need us, so we need each other.”

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